Owner Dropdown in the Rooms Profile Includes Names as Opposed to Emails
under review
Justin Wenig
Hey Trevor King, is this still something you are interested in? What is the purpose of the room owner field for you?
Trevor King
Justin Wenig: We would still be interested in this modification. It's fairly cosmetic, but having the name and not just the email makes it clearer when searching for someone, especially when people have similar names. For us, the room owner field denotes who on campus is the "go-to" person for that room. Either their office is nearby and they make sure everything is as it should be, or they oversee types of rooms (e.g., music rooms) and the space falls under their purview of normal use.
Justin Wenig
Trevor King: Thank you for the pertinent information Trevor. I will make sure our team looks into this during our upcoming roadmap meeting in Mid-January.
Nicholas Diao
under review