Refactor Class Rollover (Smart Rollover)
Justin Wenig
- Need to at the minimum copy PS and Banner logic to make sure we can ONLY accept courses that are available in the inventory and at the minimum emulate the rollover logic that is there in the SIS.
- Need to look at not rolling inactive instructors or other data points that have been removed from the system.
- Need to verify that we can POST back courses that are not rolled inside of the SIS into a new term.
Justin Wenig
Justin Wenig
BYU noted it would be ideal to allow departments to roll their own professor preferences, but have the rollover in general be managed in the Registrar's Office.
Justin Wenig
Consider: Filters, which fields, course inventory, N2N intergration (~$2500), custom API for just rollover
Wyatt Goodwin
Justin Wenig Ask BYU
Justin Wenig
under review
Justin Wenig
Merged in a post:
Course Inventory to Choose Courses during Rollover - either From SIS or Coursedog Curriculum
Justin Wenig