Merge Report UI Improvements
Jesse Lyman
When many schedulers are using the platform for real time section updates and section creations it can be extremely difficult to locate the report containing a particular creation or update.
- Please consider adding a Filter to search by Class Number which would shows all merge reports containing that class number. This would allow an administrator to quickly identify which merge report to look at to see their POST.
- When creating a section there is little information in the merge report to help the instructor know which report contains their section creation event. Please consider listing the following fields in the report in the report itself: Course Number, Course Name
- Sometimes when you are searching for the merge report that contains your POST/CREATE you have to click next or previous a few times to page through the report listing. When you click on a merge report and then close it you are sent back to beginning of the report listing and have to click through several pages to get to where you were.
- Please consider adding Time to the metadata/summary info at the top of the merge report. This would help the admin know they are looking at the right report
- Please enable filtering by realtime vs manual
Leslie Mathews
filtering by date time ranges would be super helpful too